I have produced a couple of posters. Here are the ones showing flows on the modular surface.
- Poster 1. We show closed geodesics as they appear in Duke's theorem for d ranging from 2 to 31.
- Poster 2. The same as in poster 1, but d ranges now from 2 to 57.
- Poster 3. This poster shows an equidistributing orbit of the geodesic and horocycle flow.
Second we show the posters I made during the time I worked on billiards. These posters were exhibited at the
Schweizer Jugend forscht exhibition, at
ETH and at the 2015
ESI exhibition in Brussels. I want to take the opportunity to thank my mathematics teacher Mr. Thomas Wurms for introducing me to this subject.
- Poster 1. We relate periodic trajectories to certain "lattice" points in the unfolded trajectory.
- Poster 2. The theory of closed geodesics on platonic solids is illuminated.
- Poster 3. We discuss the combinatorial classification of simple geodesics on the cube.
- Poster 4. We show periodic trajectories in regular polygons.
- Poster 5. Simple closed geodesics on the tetrahedron, cube and octahedron are depicted.